I’m Rhyanne. I am a Yoga Therapist, based in Epping, Essex.
I have devoted over fifteen years to the study and practice of yoga, in this time I have experienced yoga to be a profound healing tool. A discipline rooted in ancient wisdom yet its teachings remain relevant today, guiding us towards a more connected and joyful life.
Yoga is the journey back to wholeness.
My wish for you is to experience the enriching practice of therapeutic yoga, leaving you better able to manage / respond to stress and to exist more regularly in the present moment. Yoga calls on us to purposefully unplug from the pressures and over-stimulation of the external world, to reconnect with an inner place of stillness and therefore find more moments of peace and ease in our day.
Classes at Living Yoga offer you a pathway back home to yourself.
I look forward to meeting you on the mat.

“‘Bring me your suffering. The rattle roar of broken bones. Bring me the riot in your heart. Angry, wild and raw. Bring it all. I am not afraid of the dark””